Sunday, October 16, 2011

tapi oh tapi .

hello peeps  ^_^
auww auww!!!  tetibe saya malu lewww.  hahaha.  what happen to me? adoiii!  dah lame tak rase macam neh and it makes me wonder,  am i in love AGAIN?  or it just a crush?  hohoho.  dah dah taknak amek risiko laa.  hewhewhew.  on 10/01/2011  he left me without any reason but it seems like it just happen yesterday.  rase mcm baru je lagi tau.  am i too fast to like some else?  but life must go on aite?  so,  rasenye tak salah kot.  tapi oh tapi....  alaaaa...  macam susah jea.  ahahaha.  mesti pelik kan knape gambo kami still ade kat tepi belog neh.  sebab dulu aku dah pasang niat, selagi aku tak jumpe someone else,  selagi tulaa that picture will remain there.  auww!  bodoh tak saya?  hahaha!  tapi rasenye macam hati dah start berbunga-bunga adoiii acane neh?  #tutupmukadenganbantal.  sure ke tak rase neh ea?  pening dengan diri sendiri neh.  holoh holoh!  :)   tapi oh tapi.....  mane aci kalau aku jea yang rase macam neh.  #takadiltahu!       macam mane ea nak tau if that person feel the same way as i am?  #mintakclue.  bende yang aku rase neh macam yang aku penah rase time awal-awal kenal Mr.A  dulu.  tapi oh tapi....  yang bezanye,  this time i am more like being myself.  takde control-control, main belasah sajooo.  hehe.  seriously,  i am comfortable making friend with him  :)  

she will be loved?  will i?  naaaaa!  i'm not even thinking about it yet.  but sangat seronok dapat gelak-gelak, senyum-senyum macam dulu kala AGAIN  :)  thanks to Allah for give me a strength  to move on.  now i realize that once He took someone that we loved most in our life,  yet He will give SOMEONE which is more better for us.  that is what i had learn  from what happen between me and Mr.A.  tak salah rase bahagia macam neh kan even kita sorang je yang rase macam neh sebab nak happy doesn't mean that we should have him.  hehehe  :)  


yesss!!!  i do thinking about him all the time.  don't know why but that is what happen to me rite now bebeyh!  wehuuu!!!   #berjogetriang.   btw, ubat batuk neh mujarab gile kot dah mengantuk pulak mata neh.  baru nak berbunga-bunga sikit dah tak jadi haa.  hahaha.  #matiakal 

dah cukup cik dyla oiii.  malas nak berbunga-bunga dah so let time decide what happen next okay.  that's all for now.  muah muah muah!!!  xoxo  ^_^

-the end-